
mercoledì 26 settembre 2012

venerdì 21 settembre 2012

Style Lesson #5 - How to: foulard

The foulard has travelled through time, and has a firm, stable place in fashion, season after season. Its origins are far away from today: there are Asian images with people wearing foulards and scarves dated a thousand years b.C. Then peasants has always worn them on their heads as a protection from sun and wind. 
Here are 3 ways of wearing it:

  1. Twist it around the neck and knot it on the side in order not to cover the face. Perfect for the cold season.
  2. Lay the middle part of the scarf on the front of your neck and let the two sides fall freely on the shoulders and the back. Very chic and right for a strapless gown.
  3. Tie a knot on each end of the scarf and then wear it simply letting it fall on the frontside. 

Il foulard è un classico che, stagione dopo stagione, mantiene un posto stabile nella moda. Le sue origini sono molto lontane nel tempo: ve ne sono tracce in alcune immagini ritrovate in Asia e risalenti a un migliaio di anni avanti Cristo. Poi, è da sempre usato anche dalle contadine per ripararsi da vento e pioggia.

lunedì 17 settembre 2012

Style Lesson #4 - How to: ties

Here's our 4th style lesson: how to tie your tie, with 4 methods chosen for you:
  1. Four in Hand: the simple knot. It's widely used because it works with every kind of tie and collar
  2. Windsor: named after the Duke of Windsor, it's wide and triangular. Works better with spread collared shirts and it's used mostly for special occasion worn together with waistcoat
  3. Half Windsor: an everyday knot, smaller than the Windsor and good also with thin and small ties
  4. Onassis: a simple, easy knot, even not very popular.It needs a clip under the knot to get the right effect, but looks quite fine also without it.
Eccoci alla quarta Lezione di Stile: come annodare la cravatta, con 4 metodi scelti per voi:

venerdì 14 settembre 2012

Focus on: Diptyque Paris

We are glad to announce you a new exclusive arrival on our e-shop: Diptyque personal and home fragrances.
But, first, let's focus on the history of this brand. The story began in 1961, when three artists and designers joined their creativity opening a shop at 34 bouevard St Germain, Paris, to show and sell their fabrics and the items they collected from travelling around the world.
Soon they started selling scented candles to pair with the fabrics, and the following step was to launch a line of successful fragrances, personal and for home, in the signature package with the black and white minimal label. Now the three perfume artisans are worldwide known and you have the chance to buy their creations online on EleonoraBonucci.
The range features sophisticated scented candles and home frangrances, personal frangrances including the iconic 34 Eau Particuliere, and a selection of Fragranced Body Care products (like body cream, moisturising gel, soap and body scrub).
Discover them all!
Siamo lieti di presentarvi un nuovo ed esclusivo arrivo nel nostro e-shop: le fragranze per il corpo e per la casa Diptyque Paris.
Ma, prima, parliamo un po' della storia di questo brand. Tutto inizia nel 1961 quando 3 artisti uniscono la loro creatività aprendo uno store al numero 24 di Boulevard St Germain, Parigi, per mostrare e vendere i loro tessuti e gli oggetti particolari raccolti in giro per il Mondo.

martedì 11 settembre 2012

Style Lesson #3 - How to: rolled-up cuffs

Rolled-up cuffs remind us of iconic pictures with legendary characters like Marlon Brando, Elvis and James Dean, just to mention a few, and take us straight back to the 60s.
Well, now they are on trend again, so let's see how to wear them.

  1. Below the elbow: more stylish than practical. It's good when you're deliberately trying to look relaxed.
  2. Above the elbow: really practical when you're working with your hands, but not as stylish as leaving the rolled sleeves slightly below the elbow.
  3. Our tip: when rolling your sleeve above the elbow, keep the cuff outside and fold it in the end in order to keep your rolls tidy.

I risvolti alle maniche delle camicie ci ricordano foto iconiche di Marlon Brando, Elvis, James Dean, solo per nominarne alcuni e ci riportano direttamente indietro agli anni '60.
Bene, adesso sono tornati in voga, dunque ecco come indossarli:

venerdì 7 settembre 2012

Style Lesson #2 - How to: shoulder bag

A smaller version of the classic Stam Bag by Marc Jacobs: chic black leather with a lips-lock and a shoulder strap made up of chunky silverstone chain and leather.
Here's how to carry and pull off this classic yet contemporary bag:

  1. Over the shoulder: day-time, using the removable shoulder strap.
  2. With the handles in your hand or on the arm: use it for your free time or for work, just to carry your essentials.
  3. In the hand (as a clutch): grab it in your hand when going out for cocktail hour, business lunch or dinner with friends.

Un vero gioiellino: la versione mini della classica Stam bag di Marc Jacobs. Pelle nera ultrachic, manici rigidi e una tracolla in metallo con strisce di pelle intrecciate.
Ecco come indossare questo modello classico ma contemporaneo:

martedì 4 settembre 2012

Style Lesson #1 - How to: sneakers

How to lace-up your sneakers.
Here are 3 methods chosen for you:
  1. Shoe Shop Lacing: one end runs from bottom to top while the other end zig zags through the eyelets.
  2. Display Shoe Lacing: often used by photographers and common among teenagers, it has the ends neatly hidden inside the shoe.
  3. Biking Lacing: very useful on bikes because the knots and the ends are kept on the side, away from  bike chains and cranks.

Come allacciare le sneakers.
Ecco 3 metodi scelti per voi: